Hello, its Ann. The author. If you are reading this, it most likely means that you were interested in reading my carrd or anything about this account.

But I have already stepped down in writing any k-pop related fanfiction. I no longer am continuing to write Seoul Lights or plan to make anymore k-pop or SKZ fanfiction.

I no longer have an interest in kpop. I do not find writing Seoul Lights appaling, I dont find passion in writing it anymore. I dont think continuing to write it would do any good to me. It would be like having to bring a boulder up my back as I type on my laptop.

Although it was a nice journey to have you all. Its unfortunate that I have not finished writing any story, but it was a great experience.

Im saying goodbye to you all, luvs and this is the last time i will be saying this :

stay strong, luv.

with all the gratitude and love within my heart,

( Made with Carrd )